我花了至少五個小時, 終於得到一個 magic number.

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聽到 PM 說, 今年渥達風的成長率會最高, (另一個客戶則是量最大) 沒什麼興奮的感覺.

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從接了新職位後, 就幾乎沒有時間用文字來整理心情. 今天算是偷得浮生半日閒吧.

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來德國這趟, 大概是時程太短, 不過得充實一點對不起自己.

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昨天德國的客戶帶我們去逛 Bonn 一年一度的園遊會. (他們叫 Market, 但園遊會是最貼切的翻譯)

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美國Pew Internet and American Life Projec研究組織:90%用戶表示為避免間諜軟體威脅而改變了上網習慣。25%的受訪者不再從P2P網站上下載歌曲或電影。

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今天重翻囚犯的困境(Prisoners' Dilemma)討論, 裡面有句有趣的話:

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Claudia Ko 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Usually I enjoy the nature by myself. It's a different experience with company. You can see more widely by others' view.

I was really like a tourist today.  Taking pictures, collecting visitor information, shopping in the gift shop, suprised by the scene.

I saw a blue bird in a point, and I thought about "青鳥&幸福" immediately. Before I took the camera, it disappeared soon. Playing around the world(遊戲人間) releases my soul, lets me feel free. However, after my nephew born, I want to get happiness one day too, to love and be loved by someone, to build up a family.

Mt. Rainier in a close distance shocks me. I even cannot find a world to describe the touching. It stands preeminently and whitely rounding by green hills, like a painting, like a postcard. I would like to have a longer vacation, But how should I observe it and get satisfied? I'm neither a photographer nor an explorer, it's really a challenge.

The most pity is that we don't see wild animals today. Maybe the tourists are too many so animals hide on a higer altitude.


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這個禮拜, 西雅圖的雨天機率將近40%, 陰陰濛濛的天空和略冷的溫度, 真的越來越像台北晚秋了.

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